5:30 a.m: My supa dupa healthy flax protein cereal with organic soy milk. Yea!
Exercise (7 a.m): 45 minute boot camp. We died a little. Well, a lot. It was intense.
9 a.m: Booster Juice. Banana a Whey... 25 grams of protein... yikes! I think with my cereal and this I've probably maxed out my protein for the day.
Who needs meat!
12:30 p.m: Leftover chickpea salad from last night. See that photo for reference. I had too much and I feel really full and bloated now.
I ended up going to my cousin's place for a dinner.
7:00 p.m: See below. Pasta salad, grilled eggplant and zuchinni, hummus, salad. Desert was watermelon and a slice of cake.
9:45 p.m: Having half an avocado with salt.
I was on a mission to lose 30 pounds. I did it, then I gained most of it back. Been blogging everything I've eaten and all exercise since early 2011. I only drink water, no soda, coffee or alcohol. Female, 29, Toronto. Current thing: Back to losing weight.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Monday, May 30, 2011
Today was the day. It's been just over 2 months now since I've been going hardcore working out and eating right and this morning my trainer measured and weighed me. Here's what we got!
All I know is today I am wearing my "skinny jeans" which used to be muffin top city with a tighter shirt. I would always wear these pants with baggy shirts before. Whatup! haha Sorry, I went gangsta for a sec there.
Anyways, good progress. If I go down another 5 I'll be in a whole new bracket of #s I've never been in in my life. Well, at least in my teen years and adulthood. That's gonna kick ass. I'm doing another weigh in in a month. The goal is 5 pounds... Can I do it? Hell yea!
Since March 24th I am down 11 pounds! :)
I'm also down a whole bunch of inches everywhere else. Oddly a lot in my chest hah but I don't care. All I know is today I am wearing my "skinny jeans" which used to be muffin top city with a tighter shirt. I would always wear these pants with baggy shirts before. Whatup! haha Sorry, I went gangsta for a sec there.
Anyways, good progress. If I go down another 5 I'll be in a whole new bracket of #s I've never been in in my life. Well, at least in my teen years and adulthood. That's gonna kick ass. I'm doing another weigh in in a month. The goal is 5 pounds... Can I do it? Hell yea!
Suddenly Monday
Exercise (7:30 a.m): 1 hour personal training. Note to self: EAT BEFORE WORKING OUT! ... but I didn't cause I had my weigh-in/measurements. Wanted to be as light as possible haha
9 a.m: Oatmeal with water and banana.
12:30 p.m: Salad. Arugula, goat cheese, potato, red pepper in balsamic dressing.
I'm hungry already. Gonna need a snack.
I really like my nails today so I am posting a photo just cause. I don't think I'll have any food pics today so hey, you get something.
9 a.m: Oatmeal with water and banana.
12:30 p.m: Salad. Arugula, goat cheese, potato, red pepper in balsamic dressing.
I'm hungry already. Gonna need a snack.
I really like my nails today so I am posting a photo just cause. I don't think I'll have any food pics today so hey, you get something.
3:30 p.m: I cheated. The gang went out for ice cream. I had an Oreo ice cream sandwich and it was delicious.
6:30 p.m: Little bit of tabouleh from the take out counter at the grocery store.
7:30 p.m: Chickpea salad I made, see below. Chickpeas, garlic, red pepper, artichoke, corn and olive oil.
9:00 p.m: Bunch of kale toasted in olive oil and salt.
Ok, no more food tonight. Getting pretty hungry these days! I need more ideas. Time to scour the internet for ideas.
Sunday, May 29, 2011

I also am going to attempt to run today, if it doesn't rain. We'll see. Some sort of exercise will happen seeing as how I missed yesterday.
12:00 p.m: Protein shake. Soy milk, strawberry, protein powder.
So I went to the grocery store. I went without the stupid trolley above cause it screwed up on me. Anyways I was prepared to lift. I went to the aisle with the detergent and realized, idiot, I don't have the coupon. See, I had decided not to bring my whole wallet so I could use my small bag, having more flexibility in carrying the load. Yea, idiot. So now I have to go tomorrow night. My coupon expires Wednesday.
Now, the other thing. I was a confused wreck at the grocery store. I didn't know what to buy. I'm having one of those freak outs of like how do you know what to buy, what's good, what's not? I find I keep looking at nutritional labels and instantly putting things down. It feels like if you don't make something from scratch yourself, it's not good for you. I don't know what to eat!! All I eat are fruits and veggies. Ugh. Anyways, my confusion led me to buy the following from the take out counter thingie. It was pretty good.
4:00 p.m: Tabbouleh, green beans and rapini salad. Rapini tastes gross. I didn't finish that.
Exercise (6 ish): 20 mins on treadmill and then a bunch of floor exercises. I beat my own record. I can now do 30 -girl style- push ups in 1 minute.
7:00 p.m: Repeat of yesterday's lunch, minus mushrooms. It will be the same for tomorrow's lunch, I made extra.
Gonna have some kale in like a half hour. That'll be it for the night! 7 a.m. work out!
I lied. I ate more after the kale. I'm frakin hungry! All I had today was vegetables it seems. I needed some fiber! So....
8:30 p.m: Organic soy milk with Kashi Honey Almond and Flax cereal. Pretty good! Got a lot of nutrients including protein and fiber.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
I just wasted a lot of my day. I woke up at 11, got on the couch and napped on and off til 3! hah! Whatever, I work hard during the week. I need my lazy time. Have a birthday party to go to tonight. Yup.
3:30 p.m: Salad. Arugula, goat cheese, red pepper, potato. Fried up some mushroom and onion in veggie oil as well and mixed it in there. Light balsamic vinaigrette dressing over it all. Pretty good!
3:30 p.m: Salad. Arugula, goat cheese, red pepper, potato. Fried up some mushroom and onion in veggie oil as well and mixed it in there. Light balsamic vinaigrette dressing over it all. Pretty good!
7:30 p.m: Protein shake. Soy milk, protein powder, strawberries.
9:00 p.m: Went to The Pilot. Had one of the only veggie options on the menu, it was bland and I feel guilty for eating it all. Pad thai. Yuck. I regret it.
Friday, May 27, 2011
Iced Coffee
A good article that my gym just posted on their Facebook page. I love Iced Coffees so it's nice to know how you can have them and not feel as guilty.
Every Summer I go through the Tim Horton's ice capp phase. I get it with milk instead of cream and it's a fraction of the fat. Sometimes the person will screw up and give me cream. It tastes sooo much better with cream. Just saying.
Here is the article.
Every Summer I go through the Tim Horton's ice capp phase. I get it with milk instead of cream and it's a fraction of the fat. Sometimes the person will screw up and give me cream. It tastes sooo much better with cream. Just saying.
Here is the article.
7:15 a.m: Protein bar.
Exercise (7:30 a.m): 30 mins on treadmill.
11 a.m: Handfull of almonds.
11:30 a.m: I write this pre having it but I plan to have a banana and some tabouli and chickpeas . Working out at 12:30 so I need fuel.
Ok, I'm sleepy. Bye.
Exercise (7:30 a.m): 30 mins on treadmill.
11 a.m: Handfull of almonds.
11:30 a.m: I write this pre having it but I plan to have a banana and some tabouli and chickpeas . Working out at 12:30 so I need fuel.
Exercise (1 p.m.): 1 hour with trainer.
3:00 p.m: 5 chocolate covered almonds and a few "air popped" chips. It's Friday afternoon, the snacks are here at work. Must resist!
4:30 p.m: No resist made. In no particular order, I had the following. Tried to in small amounts. Chips, a carrot, half a better pecan tart, cheese, cracker, chocolate covered almonds.
I feel I will gym it up once again today. Monday morning, 7 a.m. getting measured and weighed at the gym. EEK!
9:00 p.m: See below. Grilled veggie sandwich with garden salad, balsamic dressing. Sandwich had goat cheese (yea!), zucchini, eggplant, mushroom, avocado. Too much bread.
Few of us went to Queens head pub in Scarborough. Normally, it's a dive but we had a damn good time tonight. First off, there was karaoke. Win already. There was a huge work going away party for a company so it was kinda fun. They were not good at karaoke. Funny to watch. Lots of interesting characters (oh Donna!) There were also a lot of young people (young being like 22) and a lot of woo girls. Click woo girls to see what I mean if you don't. I don't like woo girls.Ok, I'm sleepy. Bye.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Exercise (7 a.m.): 45 minute boot camp. Tiring as hell again. Different instructor today soooo yea. But it's all good... everyone made it out alive.
9 a.m: Oatmeal with banana. No pic but I had this 2 days ago soooo if you're super interested cause wow, oatmeal, so exciting, see that post.
Oh, I'd just like to say it's now been a week since I've had any meat. Interesting. This doesn't count the shrimp I had in my sushi twice. That's seafood. Which sadly, I'd like to cut out as well. But that means I can not eat a Green Dragon Roll anymore and that makes me sad. Soooo, don't know if I will cut out shrimp.
So, lunch. You'll see a pattern as this is my third day in a row eating this. If you know me, you probably know that once I like something a lot, I go overkill. Actually, you wouldn't know that. Michelle, you would. You're freakishly observant. You once said I am a creature of habit and I never forgot it. It's true! So alas, here is my lunch.
1 p.m: Spinach, chick peas, crab meat, mushroom with peppers, sunflower seeds all in greek dressing.
9 a.m: Oatmeal with banana. No pic but I had this 2 days ago soooo if you're super interested cause wow, oatmeal, so exciting, see that post.
Oh, I'd just like to say it's now been a week since I've had any meat. Interesting. This doesn't count the shrimp I had in my sushi twice. That's seafood. Which sadly, I'd like to cut out as well. But that means I can not eat a Green Dragon Roll anymore and that makes me sad. Soooo, don't know if I will cut out shrimp.
So, lunch. You'll see a pattern as this is my third day in a row eating this. If you know me, you probably know that once I like something a lot, I go overkill. Actually, you wouldn't know that. Michelle, you would. You're freakishly observant. You once said I am a creature of habit and I never forgot it. It's true! So alas, here is my lunch.
1 p.m: Spinach, chick peas, crab meat, mushroom with peppers, sunflower seeds all in greek dressing.
I forgot to mention that this morning I had half a banana chocolate chip muffin, a bite of some cheese bread thing and just now I had a tiny peice of a brownie. Delish.
6:30 p.m. ish: First, I boiled an artichoke and drizzled it with olive oil and garlic. It was ok. I find it funny how you eat so little of it at the end of the day. Not very filling. See before and after "discard pile" photo.
7:00 p.m: So on that note, I decided to make something more as that was not really dinner. Fried up a bunch of stuff in soy sauce and veggie oil. Arugula, corn, peas, carrots, red pepper, fried tofu, onion, mushrooms.Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Sure feels like a Wednesday.
Can this day and week be over already?
I have gym tonight with the trainer but I already feel like I might have to work late and it bothers me. Ugh.
8 a.m: Banana
I have gym tonight with the trainer but I already feel like I might have to work late and it bothers me. Ugh.
8 a.m: Banana
12:30 p.m: Went to the salad bar again. I took two photos, I like the second one better. Here are all the contents... spinach, chickpeas, potato, couscous, Greek dressing, feta cheese, mushrooms with some peppers.
4:00 p.m: 1 avocado with a few crackers I found in the kitchen. Salt sprinkled on it too.
7:00 p.m: Protein bar.
I missed my gym session :( Kinda mad about it. I had to work and by the time I was done I missed my window. Gonna do some here at home in a bit to make up for it.
8:30 p.m: Kale, asparagus and tomato with goat cheese. All off this has olive oil and salt over it.
I went to the gym. Fail. It was packed and so I just walked right out. The two guys were there too, the one's that I just decided I don't like. They bring a laptop and do an aerobics thing in the middle of the gym. It's not that big, go away and sweat all over the place somewhere else. Anyways, I decided to challenge myself to something and see how I improve. So... *drumroll please*
I can do 25 push ups (the girl way) in 1 minute. Let's see if I can improve that.
All I got for now. Boot camp in the a.m.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Exercise (7 a.m.): Boot camp. It was a tough one! But needed.
8:45 a.m: Plain oatmeal with cinnamon and banana.
11:15 p.m: Bleeding elbows. Yesterday night when I was doing my floor planks my rug gave my elbows a bit of a burn. I just did some more and now they're bleeding a bit. Yeesh! Looks like I won't be doing those anymore. At least not on the carpet. Am I gonna have to buy a yoga mat?? I hate those. I feel like I'll end up with a yoga mat in my Lulu Lemon backpack, walking with Starbucks and my macbook. ugh. One of "those" girls. NEVAR!!!
8:45 a.m: Plain oatmeal with cinnamon and banana.
9:45 a.m: So I went to the drug store to pick up some protein bars. 2 for $3! Nice. Normally they're $3 each. Anyways, I got one that I just ate. This one. Pretty good. Except I should've read the label better because it's for eating before or during a workout. So now I will probably get unwanted energy. Oh well! At least I'm getting some protein and fibre. Saving the next one for tomorrow's work out.
I am contemplating doing my first official 'weigh-in' since starting this thing sometime this week. Maybe Friday morning? We'll see.
12:30 p.m: An assortment of things from the salad bar. No particular order but here are all the contents that were put into my styrofoam thingie. Spinach, brocolli, corn, onion, chickpeas, fat free Italian dressing, coleslaw, potato, sunflower seeds, couscous.
Not proud of the following.
8 p.m: Went out... AGAIN! Sushi. Crab, shrimp, avocado, mayo, tempura, cucumber, mushroom. I feel like I shouldn't be eating that much sushi in one go.
My building is being renovated and they finally got to my floor. Here it is all gutted. Doesnt it look creepy? I feel like it's a movie set. Me and my overactive imagination. Thought I'd share! Maybe one day I'll put the "after" photo!11:15 p.m: Bleeding elbows. Yesterday night when I was doing my floor planks my rug gave my elbows a bit of a burn. I just did some more and now they're bleeding a bit. Yeesh! Looks like I won't be doing those anymore. At least not on the carpet. Am I gonna have to buy a yoga mat?? I hate those. I feel like I'll end up with a yoga mat in my Lulu Lemon backpack, walking with Starbucks and my macbook. ugh. One of "those" girls. NEVAR!!!
Monday, May 23, 2011
Changing goals.
So this entry is all based on something my trainer said to me on like day 1 of starting out with her. It's stuck with me. I told her "I don't want to be stick thin with no curves". She said "Your goals will change." She was right. Damn. As I continue to work out I find myself wanting more than to just be "skinny" but to be toned as well. The idea of having a six pack is kind of awesome. That may sound like nothing to you but to me, it is. I've always been so "pro curvy". Who the hell knew I'd want more. I found this random pic online. How badass would it be to have abs like that? Whaaaaaaat. If I go at the rate I am now I think I can get to this by like freakin October or something. Slowly but surely!
Victoria Day... otherwise known as, day off.
Exercise (10:30 a.m.): Bunch of floor exercises like planks, cobra, push ups and ab stuff. Felt good after.
11:45 a.m: Half an orange. I hate digging into an orange because you never know what you're going to get. I feel 75% of the time oranges suck and then the other times it's perfect.
1 p.m: Kale lightly baked in olive oil and salt.
I'm freakin starving.
2 p.m: 1 avocado with garlic, salt, lemon juice and a small spoonful of salsa. You like my cheesy photo? Yea.
11:45 a.m: Half an orange. I hate digging into an orange because you never know what you're going to get. I feel 75% of the time oranges suck and then the other times it's perfect.
1 p.m: Kale lightly baked in olive oil and salt.
I'm freakin starving.
2 p.m: 1 avocado with garlic, salt, lemon juice and a small spoonful of salsa. You like my cheesy photo? Yea.
Stupid weather. It's supposed to be raining now so I stayed in after the thought I had to go out and attempt running. Now the sun is out but I'm super full from the below, which I am ashamed of. It has been a real shitty food last couple of days. I'm falling off the wagon hard.
4 p.m: Went to Pho88 and had my fave, Veggie and Tofu Cantonese Chow Mein.
Exercise (6:30 p.m.): Gym. 15 mins of treadmill, did 1000 metres on the rowing machine (man that thing is tiring!!) and a few weights for my arms. I'm planning on doing some floor exercises again like I did this morning. I have nothing better to do and Lord knows after what I've eaten, I could use it.
8 p.m: Protein shake. Strawberry, banana, water, ice, protein powder.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Low Key day
No plan yet today.
Exercise (11:00 a.m.): 30 mins on elliptical, bunch of floor exercises.
12:15 p.m.: protein shake.
Went to my parent's house after all. The flower's have begun to grow!
3 p.m: Tabbouleh and hummus... authentic home made! :) Yum. Also had a piece of whole wheat pita bread with it.
My mom was having Heavenly Hash ice cream right in front of me. I had to stop myself from having a huge bowl. I can taste it. Damn. I miss having fat all the time.
7:45 p.m: Asparagus baked in olive oil and garlic, boiled potatoes with greek yogurt. Took a fancy pic for ya too!
Exercise (11:00 a.m.): 30 mins on elliptical, bunch of floor exercises.
12:15 p.m.: protein shake.
Went to my parent's house after all. The flower's have begun to grow!
3 p.m: Tabbouleh and hummus... authentic home made! :) Yum. Also had a piece of whole wheat pita bread with it.
My mom was having Heavenly Hash ice cream right in front of me. I had to stop myself from having a huge bowl. I can taste it. Damn. I miss having fat all the time.
7:45 p.m: Asparagus baked in olive oil and garlic, boiled potatoes with greek yogurt. Took a fancy pic for ya too!
So a few friends came over tonight. Been a busy week-end considering I had no plans. We sat around for a bit then went out to eat cause one was hungry.
10 p.m: Congee Time. I mostly went to town on the tofu. I had a bite of the other thing. It was broccoli, mushroom annnnd I don't know, broth.
I've gone out to eat every day the past three days. Shit. Considering I plan on doing my 2 month weigh-in this week at the gym this is not a good way to start. Saturday, May 21, 2011
Good Unexpected Day.
Today was one of those day's I wish every day was like. Here is the play by play.
I woke up at about 9:30 and got to the couch. I then fell back asleep til like noon. It was one of those comfy, breeze coming in naps so it was glorious. When I woke up I was annoyed cause I still have no food in the fridge so I sat there bored and hungry. Then, I got a text from a friend asking if I was up to anything. It was perfect. I had been sitting there with no plan on all day with great weather (for once!) and was seeing myself sitting at home all day wasting away. So I said yea and met up with him at a nearby grocery store just cause I needed to get food. Soooo...
2 p.m: A banana and a protein bar.
We then headed downtown and when we got there it turned out a bunch of other friends happen to be in the neighbourhood anyways. So we ended up in a restaurant which I think was called Back Alley in Kensington market. I hadn't been there in years. I miss it. So ya, lunch!
3:30 ish?: I had a mushroom pizza. It was gooood. Very homemade and fresh tasting.
Then we kept walking and ended up near Bathurst and College on some patio. It's funny cause like just a week ago I was telling myself "I need to do more patio-ing this summer, but downtown" and we did exactly that for like the next 4 hours. I started off with the chocolate pecan pie thinking that's all I'd eat but we stayed longer than I expected so I ended up getting dinner too. This was like 7 ish. It was some sort of crepe with artichoke, mayo, red pepper, spinach, hummus and stuff. Pretty good!
So ya, good day! The weather was perfect. Not too hot, not too cold. A perfect breeze. It's about 9:45 as I type this and I'm home. Considering going to the gym now. Haven't had the best food days. But I still feel full so not sure how the gym will work out. Hmm. We'll see.
That's all I got. Super long week-ends rock!
I woke up at about 9:30 and got to the couch. I then fell back asleep til like noon. It was one of those comfy, breeze coming in naps so it was glorious. When I woke up I was annoyed cause I still have no food in the fridge so I sat there bored and hungry. Then, I got a text from a friend asking if I was up to anything. It was perfect. I had been sitting there with no plan on all day with great weather (for once!) and was seeing myself sitting at home all day wasting away. So I said yea and met up with him at a nearby grocery store just cause I needed to get food. Soooo...
2 p.m: A banana and a protein bar.
We then headed downtown and when we got there it turned out a bunch of other friends happen to be in the neighbourhood anyways. So we ended up in a restaurant which I think was called Back Alley in Kensington market. I hadn't been there in years. I miss it. So ya, lunch!
3:30 ish?: I had a mushroom pizza. It was gooood. Very homemade and fresh tasting.
Then we kept walking and ended up near Bathurst and College on some patio. It's funny cause like just a week ago I was telling myself "I need to do more patio-ing this summer, but downtown" and we did exactly that for like the next 4 hours. I started off with the chocolate pecan pie thinking that's all I'd eat but we stayed longer than I expected so I ended up getting dinner too. This was like 7 ish. It was some sort of crepe with artichoke, mayo, red pepper, spinach, hummus and stuff. Pretty good!
So ya, good day! The weather was perfect. Not too hot, not too cold. A perfect breeze. It's about 9:45 as I type this and I'm home. Considering going to the gym now. Haven't had the best food days. But I still feel full so not sure how the gym will work out. Hmm. We'll see.
That's all I got. Super long week-ends rock!
Friday, May 20, 2011
Day off.
The good thing about my work is any long week-end automatically becomes a 4 day week-end. Woohoo! So I am home today. My plan is to clean. It's long overdue. Then, I think I may go for dinner with a friend and potentially go to my parents house after. Stay the night to tomorrow or something. We'll see.
I'm also extremely low on food so I need to do some shopping.
11:30 a.m: Dip. 1 avocado, cilantro, lemon juice, garlic and salt. Had it with some nacho chips, healthiest one's I could find.
I just cleaned the shit out of my place. Feels good. 2.5 hours. Counts as exercise, no?
2:30 p.m: Protein shake. Half a banana, 2 strawberries, water, protein powder.
Browsing online on some of deal sites and I almost clicked on this. Then I decided no, I'm doing this the right way! But what a deal eh?? haha
Going out and then to my parent's house so updating will likely not be as frequent. Happy week-end!
Ok, no parents house. Soooo Yea, here's the update.
5:00 p.m: Sushi. It was pretty damn good. My eyes are bigger than my stomach. I got a lot. I barely got through it but I did. It was tasty. Started with miso soup, fried tofu with some sauce, dynamite and crunch roll. Whatever, it was like avocado, shrimp, mayo... typical stuff.
We saw a movie after dinner. I was craving ice cream so I had the next best thing... Yogun Fruz. Picked the healthiest option I could ... low fat no sugar, I think. Strawberry banana, once again.
Think that's it for the night! All I have in my kitchen are smoothie ingredients and an orange sooo my options are limited.
I'm also extremely low on food so I need to do some shopping.
11:30 a.m: Dip. 1 avocado, cilantro, lemon juice, garlic and salt. Had it with some nacho chips, healthiest one's I could find.
I just cleaned the shit out of my place. Feels good. 2.5 hours. Counts as exercise, no?
2:30 p.m: Protein shake. Half a banana, 2 strawberries, water, protein powder.
Browsing online on some of deal sites and I almost clicked on this. Then I decided no, I'm doing this the right way! But what a deal eh?? haha
Going out and then to my parent's house so updating will likely not be as frequent. Happy week-end!
Ok, no parents house. Soooo Yea, here's the update.
5:00 p.m: Sushi. It was pretty damn good. My eyes are bigger than my stomach. I got a lot. I barely got through it but I did. It was tasty. Started with miso soup, fried tofu with some sauce, dynamite and crunch roll. Whatever, it was like avocado, shrimp, mayo... typical stuff.
We saw a movie after dinner. I was craving ice cream so I had the next best thing... Yogun Fruz. Picked the healthiest option I could ... low fat no sugar, I think. Strawberry banana, once again.
Think that's it for the night! All I have in my kitchen are smoothie ingredients and an orange sooo my options are limited.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Faux Friday
Yeaaaaaa I have tommorow off so it's the Friday feeling today. One thing to do today at work and then I can leave. The question is, how fast will it get done? We'll see.
Exercise (7 a.m.): 45 minute boot camp.
8:30 a.m: Protein bar. I'm getting better at finding protein bars that are not full of sugar. Starting to learn how to read the nutritional labels better. It's funny how in so many protein bars (or granola bars for that matter) you think it's all healthy but what you never notice is that it's loaded with sugar. So you get protein but you also get as much sugar as if you were drinking a can of coke. Soooo yea, wake up call. Check the labels!
I'm going to need to take a trip to Costco to buy a big box. Paying like $3 a bar is getting annoying.
Lunch (12:30 p.m.): Met a friend at Lou Dawg's. I broke the no meat thing. I had a pulled chicken sandwhich and sweet potato fries. The fries were delicious, the sandwhich was not bad. I don't know if I'm a fan of "pulled" sandwhiches. I feel like I needed more greens in there. The photo also looks disgusting. I feel I need to bold that to prove the point. LOOK AT IT.
Exercise (7 a.m.): 45 minute boot camp.
8:30 a.m: Protein bar. I'm getting better at finding protein bars that are not full of sugar. Starting to learn how to read the nutritional labels better. It's funny how in so many protein bars (or granola bars for that matter) you think it's all healthy but what you never notice is that it's loaded with sugar. So you get protein but you also get as much sugar as if you were drinking a can of coke. Soooo yea, wake up call. Check the labels!
I'm going to need to take a trip to Costco to buy a big box. Paying like $3 a bar is getting annoying.
Lunch (12:30 p.m.): Met a friend at Lou Dawg's. I broke the no meat thing. I had a pulled chicken sandwhich and sweet potato fries. The fries were delicious, the sandwhich was not bad. I don't know if I'm a fan of "pulled" sandwhiches. I feel like I needed more greens in there. The photo also looks disgusting. I feel I need to bold that to prove the point. LOOK AT IT.
5 p.m: Not proud. Snacks at work. I had chips and a few slices of cheese.
Update from the day after... came home and had no appetite so yea. I fell asleep at like 8:30 and woke up this morning. What a crap food day! No veggies.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Jacob's Ladder
My gym has this machine called "Jacob's Ladder". In fact, this video is from my gym. I think this is one of my favourite machine's. I don't go anywhere near as fast as this guy but in the two minutes I do, I break a sweat. It's a great machine. Someday I hope to be fast like that!
Pretty much the week-end
Breakfast (7:30 a.m.): Granola cereal with rice milk.
9:00 a.m: Chocolate chip cookie from Tim Horton's. Damn the work perks! Ok I just had a chocolate one too. Done though, none of what is left is something I like so thank God! :P
12 p.m: Leftover stiry fry. See photo/description from last night. Had about 8 almonds. A couple (only like 4!) of nachos.
I'm snacking on almonds. Having a bag at my desk is deadly. I need to portion them so I don't eat too many. Gym tonight. Not feeling it. My stomach is making noises... not good. Oh well. I'll suffer through it. I need to go get a protein bar too for my after work out. I don't think I have any food in the fridge. I may have to have a protein shake for dinner and then some more kale. Exciting, I know. I haven't eaten meat in days... I could use the protein!
Exercise (6:15 p.m.): 1 hour of personal training. Kicked my ass a little. But it was good.
Had a protein bar following the work out.
8 p.m: Suck it food groups... I'm owning you. hah. See below for dinner. Chickpeas fried in some olive oil, garlic and onion, tomatoes with boconcinni cheese and some kale. I'm missing meat but I've had enough protein today to make up for it. Hmm looking at this photo it seems like a lot of chickpeas but meh.
9:00 a.m: Chocolate chip cookie from Tim Horton's. Damn the work perks! Ok I just had a chocolate one too. Done though, none of what is left is something I like so thank God! :P
12 p.m: Leftover stiry fry. See photo/description from last night. Had about 8 almonds. A couple (only like 4!) of nachos.
I'm snacking on almonds. Having a bag at my desk is deadly. I need to portion them so I don't eat too many. Gym tonight. Not feeling it. My stomach is making noises... not good. Oh well. I'll suffer through it. I need to go get a protein bar too for my after work out. I don't think I have any food in the fridge. I may have to have a protein shake for dinner and then some more kale. Exciting, I know. I haven't eaten meat in days... I could use the protein!
Exercise (6:15 p.m.): 1 hour of personal training. Kicked my ass a little. But it was good.
Had a protein bar following the work out.
8 p.m: Suck it food groups... I'm owning you. hah. See below for dinner. Chickpeas fried in some olive oil, garlic and onion, tomatoes with boconcinni cheese and some kale. I'm missing meat but I've had enough protein today to make up for it. Hmm looking at this photo it seems like a lot of chickpeas but meh.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Mid week? Kinda.
I missed boot camp :( I remember waking up at 5:15 a.m. thinking "Ok, I can snooze once and then I'll be fine" Then I woke up at 6:15 and was like, CRAP, I should already be on the train right now. I don't remember any of it. I must have slept and hit snooze like 5 times in my sleep, hah! Oh well. I had to do the walk of shame into work as my co-workers in the boot camp with me were all "Where were you!?!" Oh well. I'll have to work out in the building tonight with all the teenage boys who can't stop looking at themselves in the mirror. Ugh. I hate my condo's gym right now.
9:00 a.m: Snacking on carrots until lunch.
12:30 p.m: Lunch. Salad. Spinach, tomato (which I barely finished), potato, asparagus, goat cheese in balsamic dressing. I found hickory sticks in the kitchen. Man, those are good. Put some on the salad and it made it delicious. I also had an orange. This is like at 2:23 but I am anal about these photos and them taking too much space. I'm crazy, I know. So I just put it beside the salad photo cause it looks prettier!
4:00 p.m: I snacked on a few Hickory chips once again, had a couple chocolate covered banana chips (so good!) and now having a few almonds.
I feel fat today. Something is coming on.
7 p.m: I had a protein bar at the grocery store to start. Then, I made this awesome veggie only stir fry. Look at my heaping bowl of healthy! Mushrooms, garlic, onion, frozen peas, carrots, corn, red pepper, bean sprouts and spinach in some veggie oil and soy sauce.
8 p.m: Ok, I'm obsessed with kale chips. Now that I've finally perfected it, they are delicious. I just had a small bowl. I want more already. Just bought some more today so expect to see it throughout the week. Likely every day cause they longer you leave produce out the less nutritious it becomes sooo I must consume quickly! Loooooove.
I've had a lot of veggies today but probably not enough fibre or protein. Gah. How do you balance it all?!? So annoying. I guess over time it becomes part of your lifestyle and you learn how to. Makes sense. I feel like I've come very far since day 1 of this blog. Learned a lot. Glad I started this thing! I think if I hadn't I wouldn't be as successful as I feel I have been so far.
Exercise (9:45 p.m.): Did a few little things. So, 1 minute each without quitting! WHADUP! haha. 2 planks, 1 superman, 1 cobra. I smiled at the end. I can't believe I didn't quit! It was a piece of cake compared to day 1 of trying these.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Short week! :)
We have Friday off so that's what is going to be my positive reinforcement for the week.
Breakfast (9 a.m.): Having oatmeal with water, cinnamon and a banana.
Lunch (12:30 p.m.): Mushroom stroganoff with salad. Not sure what's fully in here but it has potatoes, mushrooms, tofu and other stuff. No meat. I ate half that salad. I also had 5 chocolate covered almonds found in the kitchen. I've fallen off the wagon. I feel like the last few days have been un healthy. How do people do this their whole lives!?!
Breakfast (9 a.m.): Having oatmeal with water, cinnamon and a banana.
Lunch (12:30 p.m.): Mushroom stroganoff with salad. Not sure what's fully in here but it has potatoes, mushrooms, tofu and other stuff. No meat. I ate half that salad. I also had 5 chocolate covered almonds found in the kitchen. I've fallen off the wagon. I feel like the last few days have been un healthy. How do people do this their whole lives!?!
Someone has opened a bag of BBQ chips and it is near my desk. I have snuck a few here and there...
Exercise (5:15 p.m.): Spent almost an hour at the gym. No trainer today. I focused mostly on legs and did all the machine's I hate. But it was a good workout.
Protein Bar following the workout. Freakin delicious.
7:00 p.m: See below. This is a familiar plate it seems. Potato with greek yogurt and baked asparagus with olive oil and salt. Also made some kale chips (kale baked with drizzle of olive oil and salt). I think I've perfected it, it was delicious!
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Tim Horton's Smoothies
I love smoothies. Especially strawberry banana. So when Timmie's came up with their version I was excited but knew it must be a lie and not good for you. Guess I was right...
Read this article.
Read this article.
11:30 a.m: Rice milk with granola cereal.
I have no plans today. I want to do something but can't decide what. I know I'll work out at some point but then what? I kinda wanted to go to the mall but meh, I don't really ever find clothes so why go? Plus, I may as well wait a few month's and shop for clothes when I'm smaller right? :)
1:30 p.m: Dip. 1 avocado, cilantro, lemon juice, garlic and had it with hippie tortilla chips.
I'm now stuck on this stupid obviously made for TV movie called "Me, mom, dad and her". Probably gonna watch it to the end.
Ok, it happened. The usual Sunday plan. I got a call and plans were made that changed my lazy Sunday. So, some friends were watching a movie at 4:30 so I went. We watched "Bridesmaids". OMG HILARIOUS. I was crying of laughter. Usually chick movies annoy me but this was nothing like that. So after, we went for dinner.
7 p.m: Spring Rolls. See below. I had tofu, asparagus, broccoli and rice in some delicious sauce. Go me! I actually got something other than the Cantonese Chow Mein. Spring Rolls and their interesting decor as always....
8 p.m: You know who you are who reads this but I blame you for this. We went to Moxie's after cause they have this delicious white chocolate brownie with ice cream on top that's like, ummm, amazing. We talked about splitting it between two people but in the end each got one. Regret! By the time you reach the middle, you're done. Very sweet.The whole dinner we all talked about Scientology and now that's all I can think about when looking at this photo. Haha.
Ok, done. I made it home and missed 30 mins. of the Apprentice. Somehow they're at the final two, when did this happen?!? Anyways, laundry is in and it's another typical Sunday.
P.S. These are my new favourite pants. They're big on me. Yee-ha!
I have no plans today. I want to do something but can't decide what. I know I'll work out at some point but then what? I kinda wanted to go to the mall but meh, I don't really ever find clothes so why go? Plus, I may as well wait a few month's and shop for clothes when I'm smaller right? :)
1:30 p.m: Dip. 1 avocado, cilantro, lemon juice, garlic and had it with hippie tortilla chips.
I'm now stuck on this stupid obviously made for TV movie called "Me, mom, dad and her". Probably gonna watch it to the end.
Ok, it happened. The usual Sunday plan. I got a call and plans were made that changed my lazy Sunday. So, some friends were watching a movie at 4:30 so I went. We watched "Bridesmaids". OMG HILARIOUS. I was crying of laughter. Usually chick movies annoy me but this was nothing like that. So after, we went for dinner.
7 p.m: Spring Rolls. See below. I had tofu, asparagus, broccoli and rice in some delicious sauce. Go me! I actually got something other than the Cantonese Chow Mein. Spring Rolls and their interesting decor as always....
8 p.m: You know who you are who reads this but I blame you for this. We went to Moxie's after cause they have this delicious white chocolate brownie with ice cream on top that's like, ummm, amazing. We talked about splitting it between two people but in the end each got one. Regret! By the time you reach the middle, you're done. Very sweet.The whole dinner we all talked about Scientology and now that's all I can think about when looking at this photo. Haha.
Ok, done. I made it home and missed 30 mins. of the Apprentice. Somehow they're at the final two, when did this happen?!? Anyways, laundry is in and it's another typical Sunday.
P.S. These are my new favourite pants. They're big on me. Yee-ha!
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Saturday. My favourite.
Exercise (11:30 a.m.): 30 mins on treadmill (ran for 10) and did a bunch of weights and other stuff. Freakin lack of AC in the gym is making me extra sweaty. It gets really hot in there.
Invited my parents over tonight for dinner. Photos will come of the food. I haven't eaten yet, yikes. Gonna shower and go to the grocery store now.
12:30 p.m: Ok, I had almonds so I'm having those to hold me over.
3 p.m: Salad. Arugula, goat cheese, tomato, balsamic vinaigrette dressing.
4:30 p.m: Made some stove top popcorn to hold me over until dinner.
The parents came over at about 6:30. Here is what we had!
The plates look giant but they're not that big. Pink bowl has organic tortilla chips. Not any healthier really, just not as much salt as you'd find in like the Tostito's brand. They were pretty good.
Guacamole. 2 avocados, cilantro, lemon juice, garlic and salt.
Goat cheese and tomato dip. Yum! I really used this stuff as the tomato but looking at it, I can make it fresh with real tomatoes and it'd be a lot healthier I bet.
8:00 p.m: Then, as the main meal I had pasta. I got all organic ingredients where I could. I'm trying guys! So we have penne pasta, tomato's, fresh spinach, cheddar cheese (ok, this wasn't organic), garlic, onion, olive oil, mushrooms. It was a hit! :)
Nothing fancy. I did the fancy meal when I had my housewarming like a year ago. Wow, it's been a year now since I've been living on my own. Yeesh! Lots has happened in the last year.
Invited my parents over tonight for dinner. Photos will come of the food. I haven't eaten yet, yikes. Gonna shower and go to the grocery store now.
12:30 p.m: Ok, I had almonds so I'm having those to hold me over.
3 p.m: Salad. Arugula, goat cheese, tomato, balsamic vinaigrette dressing.
4:30 p.m: Made some stove top popcorn to hold me over until dinner.
The parents came over at about 6:30. Here is what we had!
The plates look giant but they're not that big. Pink bowl has organic tortilla chips. Not any healthier really, just not as much salt as you'd find in like the Tostito's brand. They were pretty good.
Guacamole. 2 avocados, cilantro, lemon juice, garlic and salt.
Goat cheese and tomato dip. Yum! I really used this stuff as the tomato but looking at it, I can make it fresh with real tomatoes and it'd be a lot healthier I bet.
8:00 p.m: Then, as the main meal I had pasta. I got all organic ingredients where I could. I'm trying guys! So we have penne pasta, tomato's, fresh spinach, cheddar cheese (ok, this wasn't organic), garlic, onion, olive oil, mushrooms. It was a hit! :)
Nothing fancy. I did the fancy meal when I had my housewarming like a year ago. Wow, it's been a year now since I've been living on my own. Yeesh! Lots has happened in the last year.
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