No gym. Period.
9:30 a.m: Usual. Apple slices with almond butter and cinnamon.
12:00 p.m: I admit, handful of mini eggs. Go away Easter!
1:00 p.m: Delicious crepe from this vegan place called Hibiscus in Kensington Market. Mmmm!
4:00 p.m: Handful of chips. Work temptations are the death of me.
5:30 p.m: Juice from Fresh. Strawberry, banana, pineapple, coconut.
7:00 p.m: Slice of pizza from Pizzaoilo. Bianca, my fave.
9:00 p.m: Random late night sushi. Miso soup and a dynamite roll.
I was in a change room and caught a glimpse of the back of my head (when do you ever get to do that? hah) and wtf, is my hair this long? Obviously. I enjoy it and now I never want to cut it ever. I promise I won't be one of those weirdo people with hair touching their butt but I think I'm gonna let it keep growing for the time being. I know, you care so much.
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