11:30 a.m: Few almonds
Exercise (12:00 p.m): Managed to get in a 25 min treadmill run. Running late. Lost about 300 calories so its better than nothing!
12:45 p.m: Protein drink
2:30 p.m: At my parents house and family is late. I snuck a slice of home made pizza and a banana.
4:30 p.m: Veggie thanksgiving dinner. Apple pie was had too. My parents haven't heard of vegetables. If this were my meal it'd be 75% veggies. Ah well.
More food was had later. At a friends. I managed to say no to the chocolate cake (yea small victories!) but it doesn't help that I went to town on the guacamole.
Isn't it crazy all the things that go through my mind all about food? Every single thing I eat goes through a whole thought process. I miss the days when I didn't care. Wait, take it back. I was fat then.
ain't nothin free!