9:00 a.m: protein drink. 30 grams.
1:00 p.m: Cheddar rice cake
1:45 p.m: yum! Made soup. Veggie broth, butter, leek, mushroom, sweet potato, onion, spinach, S&P.Roasted brussels sprouts with olive oil and some veggie all spice thing.
3:30 p.m: 2 pieces of toast with almond butter, banana, cinnamon
9:00 p.m: Went out with friends. I shouldn't have, but I did. I don't see these one's a lot and I'm not going to miss out on memories. Anyways, I had some nachos.
I'm not gonna lie, I haven't worked out as much as I did in January and my eating has been so so. But, I swear I look thinner this month? WTF. Maybe I was right. Maybe stressing over it was stopping any change. Now that I calmed down it's helping? I don't know. Still gonna do boot camp again in March :P
throw a bay leaf in that