12:30 p.m: Leftovers, again. It was an exact duplicate of yesterday's lunch. A co-worker also made oatmeal muffins. Those one's you make at home in the little muffin trays. Whatever. I had two. Soo good. I enjoyed it. I could easily like 6, no lie.
4:30 p.m: An apple and another muffin.
Portion control problem? I think sooooo! |
7:45 p.m: I blame You. Yes, YOU. Youknow who you are who texted me with this amazingness. So I had another apple. Basically sliced them up and pan fried them in coconut oil til they browned. Put cinnamon, nutmeg and some salt over it after. OMG. It would be even more to die for over ice cream.
snuck a muffin at 4:30 ehh!??!