Snack (3 p.m.): Banana
Exercise (4 p.m.): 30 mins on elliptical. 30 mins of weights, focusing on arms. I also managed to do 3 sets of the "superman" for 1 minute each without giving up. HOLY SHIT was my reaction. When I first did those in February in boot camp, I could barely get through like 30 seconds. Now I did 3 in a row for 1 min each. YEA!!
What is Superman? This.

Dinner (5:45 p.m.): Thin bagel with avocado and cheddar cheese. 1 orange.
More Dinner (7 p.m.): I'm still hungry :( My mom gave me lahmajoun (see below). I had two. It's thin dough with a puree of beef, tomato, onion... who knows. I had some ayran with it. That's basically greek yogurt mixed with water and salt. A tasty drink that no one would think to make but I grew up with it.

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