Saturday, June 4, 2011


Ok, lazy day.
I have gone in and out of sleep cause it's all rainy. Rain makes me sleepy.

3:30 p.m: I have nothing in the fridge. All I had left was cereal and soy milk so I had that again. See photo from yesterday.

6:30 p.m: Went grocery shopping, finally. Went to the take out counter and got the following before doing my haul. Tabouli, green beans, whatever that other shit was and wheatberry salad. Wheat berry salad was AMAZING. Apparently they don't even sell wheatberry, I have to go to some specialty store. Ugh. I bought the rest of their pre made supply for $7, haha. 
Take a look at my groceries. Proud of me? haha. I tried. We'll see what concoctions this stuff creates. Produce will expire in days I bet, ugh. Not easy keeping food fresh for one!
8:00 p.m: 50 mins. at gym doing every weight exercise I could think of.

9:00 p.m: Protein shake. Water, ice, strawberries, banana, protein powder.

9:30 p.m: Kale toasted lightly in olive oil and salt.

What a shitty Saturday. I'm watching "He's just no that into you" just cause it's on TV and nothing else is on. I'm not into it.


  1. yes i am proud of you woman! let's work out at the gym this week i am going and i will be shy and new. after work styles?

  2. I'm making you get on Jacob's ladder! ;)
