7:30 a.m: 2 rice cakes with almond butter, cinnamon and banana. Gotta stop. It's just so quick, easy and delicious!
12:00 p.m: The curry from last night with some Greek yogurt. 1/2 a chocolate cookie.
7:45 p.m: 2 hard boiled eggs. Kale, sweet potato, mushrooms, asparagus and onion sautéed in coconut oil. Tahini over it. Good.
I was on a mission to lose 30 pounds. I did it, then I gained most of it back. Been blogging everything I've eaten and all exercise since early 2011. I only drink water, no soda, coffee or alcohol. Female, 29, Toronto. Current thing: Back to losing weight.
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
8:00 a.m: 1 rice cake with almond butter and cinnamon.
12:15 p.m: This was good. From the coffee shop below my work. It had random stuff in there and had a very Indian inspired taste. Mostly chickpea, avocado, grilled veggies and paneer. mmmmm!
3:00 p.m: some lentil salad, 1/2 a hard boiled egg
6:30 p.m: Banana
7:30 p.m: the veggie curry I keep making. Love.
Exercise (10:00 p.m): 30 min treadmill run. Go away snow. Need to get outside.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Pfft. Whatever.
7:30 a.m: 1 rice cake with almond butter and cinnamon.
12:00 p.m: The quinoa salad thing from last night's dinner.
5:30 p.m: Had a handful of Doritos
9:30 p.m: same as lunch. My recipe made a lot. It's done now.
10:15 p.m: protein shake. Coconut milk, protein powder, cinnamon, ice, banana, coconut flakes, fibre powder.
Weird food day. I wanna say I didn't eat enough but I probably did in calorie intake.
7:30 a.m: 1 rice cake with almond butter and cinnamon.
12:00 p.m: The quinoa salad thing from last night's dinner.
5:30 p.m: Had a handful of Doritos
9:30 p.m: same as lunch. My recipe made a lot. It's done now.
10:15 p.m: protein shake. Coconut milk, protein powder, cinnamon, ice, banana, coconut flakes, fibre powder.
Weird food day. I wanna say I didn't eat enough but I probably did in calorie intake.
Monday, February 25, 2013
8:00 a.m: 1 rice cake with almond butter
12:15 p.m: Ah, a frozen meal saved from past leftovers. I had another serving of that black bean veggie medley thing I often make. Had that on its own.
After last night I just don't even want to eat right now. I still feel gross about the whole thing.
Why am I being dramatic? I don't barf. I've barfed twice in the last 10 years. Last night and once like a year and a half ago when I ate calamari and also had the acid reflux. I'm sure I blogged about it.
8:00 p.m: Made the salad below using the recipe here. Had those rice cake chip things too.
12:15 p.m: Ah, a frozen meal saved from past leftovers. I had another serving of that black bean veggie medley thing I often make. Had that on its own.
After last night I just don't even want to eat right now. I still feel gross about the whole thing.
Why am I being dramatic? I don't barf. I've barfed twice in the last 10 years. Last night and once like a year and a half ago when I ate calamari and also had the acid reflux. I'm sure I blogged about it.
8:00 p.m: Made the salad below using the recipe here. Had those rice cake chip things too.
So I was supposed to go boxing in the morning but bailed. 1) I got my period. F that. 2) I had a friend's birthday brunch that I forgot about and really didn't want to miss. She was going to make breakfast for everyone. Weird, it's her birthday and she's feeding us but hey! Anyways, here's how the day went...
9:30 a.m: It started well. Protein shake. Coconut milk (from carton), protein powder, fibre, coconut flakes, cinnamon, banana.
2:00 p.m onwards: So I went over to the friend's house. First I had some homemade chocolate chip cookies. Good. Then food was served. I have to say that there were no healthy options except for some strawberries (and a few fruits I just flat out don't like so I didn't have). Here is the list of what I had on my plate...
- Blueberry French toast
- 2 Popeye's biscuits (I get the hype, they're good)
- Strawberries
- English muffin with a poached egg
- Roasted white potatoes
- Small waffle with some chocolate sauce
Thank freakin God I am vegetarian cause the meat options were Popeye's fried chicken and bacon. I would've had a heart attack right there. Anyways, the food was good.
9:00 p.m: Made stove top popcorn while watching TV. I wasn't even that hungry.
The bad part. I woke up at like 3:30 a.m. with my acid reflux plain. UGH. It only happens when I have a particularly bad eating day like this. When I look back, according to my food sensitivity test, everything on that list above is in my 'no go' list of foods. Like 99% do not have. So it all makes sense that I threw it all back up at like 5 a.m. I was literally in and out of my bathroom for 2 hours waiting to barf. I couldn't sleep cause the pain is too much to lie down with. STUPID. I'm embarrassed that it got to that. I was hanging out with good friends and had a great time but food took over and ruined things. WHY!!!
Anyway, new week ahead. I gotta come back to my healthy lifestyle. Joining boot camp again in March. It's the only thing that motivates me to work out.
9:30 a.m: It started well. Protein shake. Coconut milk (from carton), protein powder, fibre, coconut flakes, cinnamon, banana.
2:00 p.m onwards: So I went over to the friend's house. First I had some homemade chocolate chip cookies. Good. Then food was served. I have to say that there were no healthy options except for some strawberries (and a few fruits I just flat out don't like so I didn't have). Here is the list of what I had on my plate...
- Blueberry French toast
- 2 Popeye's biscuits (I get the hype, they're good)
- Strawberries
- English muffin with a poached egg
- Roasted white potatoes
- Small waffle with some chocolate sauce
Thank freakin God I am vegetarian cause the meat options were Popeye's fried chicken and bacon. I would've had a heart attack right there. Anyways, the food was good.
9:00 p.m: Made stove top popcorn while watching TV. I wasn't even that hungry.
The bad part. I woke up at like 3:30 a.m. with my acid reflux plain. UGH. It only happens when I have a particularly bad eating day like this. When I look back, according to my food sensitivity test, everything on that list above is in my 'no go' list of foods. Like 99% do not have. So it all makes sense that I threw it all back up at like 5 a.m. I was literally in and out of my bathroom for 2 hours waiting to barf. I couldn't sleep cause the pain is too much to lie down with. STUPID. I'm embarrassed that it got to that. I was hanging out with good friends and had a great time but food took over and ruined things. WHY!!!
Anyway, new week ahead. I gotta come back to my healthy lifestyle. Joining boot camp again in March. It's the only thing that motivates me to work out.
Saturday, February 23, 2013
9:00 a.m: protein shake. Coconut milk, coconut flakes, protein powder, cinnamon, fibre powder, banana.
2:00 p.m: Was at Glow restaurant for a party. Food was all pre planned and I only had like one option so here is what I ate. A caesar salad, bruschetta an amazing pesto pasta that I can not even imagine how fatty it was. Then there was dessert. Oh man. That was buffet style. I had to choose only a few so I wouldn't overdo it but everything was amazing. This is what I chose. I can't even begin to tell you. Every bite was better than the last.
7:30: Last of that veggie curry I had made. Greek yogurt.
2:00 p.m: Was at Glow restaurant for a party. Food was all pre planned and I only had like one option so here is what I ate. A caesar salad, bruschetta an amazing pesto pasta that I can not even imagine how fatty it was. Then there was dessert. Oh man. That was buffet style. I had to choose only a few so I wouldn't overdo it but everything was amazing. This is what I chose. I can't even begin to tell you. Every bite was better than the last.
That's a tiny plate by the way. |
Friday, February 22, 2013
7:15 a.m: 1 rice cake with almond butter and cinnamon
12:00 p.m: More of the veggie curry from last night. Greek yogurt again.
4:00 p.m: Miss Vickies chips. Friday's at the office. No control.
7:00 p.m: protein shake. Coconut milk, banana, vanilla protein powder, cinnamon, coconut flakes, fibre.
Exercise (8:00 p.m): played squash for like 45 mins.
9:30 p.m: last of the curry. Same as lunch.
12:00 p.m: More of the veggie curry from last night. Greek yogurt again.
4:00 p.m: Miss Vickies chips. Friday's at the office. No control.
7:00 p.m: protein shake. Coconut milk, banana, vanilla protein powder, cinnamon, coconut flakes, fibre.
Exercise (8:00 p.m): played squash for like 45 mins.
9:30 p.m: last of the curry. Same as lunch.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
8:00 a.m: Protein shake. Coconut milk (the carton kind), vanilla protein powder, cinnamon, fibre powder, coconut flakes, banana
12:00 p.m: The worst salad ever. Spinach, boiled cauliflower, tomato and red pepper. Greek dressing. I didn't finish the red peppers, they tasted funny. Was still hungry so I bought sushi. 6 rolls of avocado sweet potato. Wait, I also had 2 cookies. They were fresh and soft and oh so gooey.
7:00 p.m: Made this. Turned out well! In a pan --> Coconut oil, coconut milk, tomatoes, mushroom, zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, spinach, carrot, chickpeas, onion, curry powder, cumin, S&P. Greek yogurt over after.
12:00 p.m: The worst salad ever. Spinach, boiled cauliflower, tomato and red pepper. Greek dressing. I didn't finish the red peppers, they tasted funny. Was still hungry so I bought sushi. 6 rolls of avocado sweet potato. Wait, I also had 2 cookies. They were fresh and soft and oh so gooey.
... and the worst salad of the year award goes to me... |
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
7:30 a.m: Again. 2 rice cakes with almond butter, banana, cinnamon. It's like a dessert, I love it! But ya, out of bananas so i'll take a break on this for the next week.
12:30 p.m: Leftovers, again. It was an exact duplicate of yesterday's lunch. A co-worker also made oatmeal muffins. Those one's you make at home in the little muffin trays. Whatever. I had two. Soo good. I enjoyed it. I could easily like 6, no lie.
4:30 p.m: An apple and another muffin.
7:00 p.m: Leftover frittata. Broccoli and asparagus oven toasted then tahini over it.
7:45 p.m: I blame You. Yes, YOU. Youknow who you are who texted me with this amazingness. So I had another apple. Basically sliced them up and pan fried them in coconut oil til they browned. Put cinnamon, nutmeg and some salt over it after. OMG. It would be even more to die for over ice cream.
12:30 p.m: Leftovers, again. It was an exact duplicate of yesterday's lunch. A co-worker also made oatmeal muffins. Those one's you make at home in the little muffin trays. Whatever. I had two. Soo good. I enjoyed it. I could easily like 6, no lie.
4:30 p.m: An apple and another muffin.
Portion control problem? I think sooooo! |
7:45 p.m: I blame You. Yes, YOU. Youknow who you are who texted me with this amazingness. So I had another apple. Basically sliced them up and pan fried them in coconut oil til they browned. Put cinnamon, nutmeg and some salt over it after. OMG. It would be even more to die for over ice cream.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
At least I'm doing something right by eating kale!
... until we find something wrong with it too. Every food that's supposed to be the new it thing eventually seems to bad for you. You can't win!
... until we find something wrong with it too. Every food that's supposed to be the new it thing eventually seems to bad for you. You can't win!
7:30 a.m: 2 rice cakes with almond butter, banana, cinnamon.
Also, lesson learned. I tested brussels sprouts. I love them but they don't work well with people and um, gas. I figured I'd do my final test and buy them and see how I feel. I did not feel good all night. Guess that's off the menu. :(
12:30 p.m: Made this last night. In a pan --> Coconut oil, black beans, can of fire roasted tomatoes, corn, zucchini, mushrooms, onion, cauliflower, lime juice, S&P. 1/2 an avocado, Greek yogurt.
4:45 p.m: Apple
7:30 p.m: Asparagus and kale fried in butter. A homemade frittata!! Yep, something new. Loved it! Not gonna lie, I had a second helping of the frittata.
Also, lesson learned. I tested brussels sprouts. I love them but they don't work well with people and um, gas. I figured I'd do my final test and buy them and see how I feel. I did not feel good all night. Guess that's off the menu. :(
12:30 p.m: Made this last night. In a pan --> Coconut oil, black beans, can of fire roasted tomatoes, corn, zucchini, mushrooms, onion, cauliflower, lime juice, S&P. 1/2 an avocado, Greek yogurt.
4:45 p.m: Apple
Monday, February 18, 2013
Yayyyy for a day off. Gonna clean and do laundry. Love it.
11:00 a.m: Same as yesterday really. 2 hard boiled eggs with hemp hearts, broccoli, onion and kale fried in coconut oil.
1:00 p.m: small bowl of lentil soup my mom made.
5:30 p.m: same as yesterday. The soup and Brussels sprouts.
Exercise (7:00 p.m): 30 min treadmill run. Ain't no thang. Need to get outside.
7:45 p.m: delicious protein shake. Coconut milk, vanilla protein powder, cinnamon, fibre powder, banana, ice, coconut flakes.
11:00 a.m: Same as yesterday really. 2 hard boiled eggs with hemp hearts, broccoli, onion and kale fried in coconut oil.
1:00 p.m: small bowl of lentil soup my mom made.
5:30 p.m: same as yesterday. The soup and Brussels sprouts.
Exercise (7:00 p.m): 30 min treadmill run. Ain't no thang. Need to get outside.
7:45 p.m: delicious protein shake. Coconut milk, vanilla protein powder, cinnamon, fibre powder, banana, ice, coconut flakes.
Sunday, February 17, 2013
9:00 a.m: protein drink. 30 grams.
1:00 p.m: Cheddar rice cake
1:45 p.m: yum! Made soup. Veggie broth, butter, leek, mushroom, sweet potato, onion, spinach, S&P.Roasted brussels sprouts with olive oil and some veggie all spice thing.
3:30 p.m: 2 pieces of toast with almond butter, banana, cinnamon
9:00 p.m: Went out with friends. I shouldn't have, but I did. I don't see these one's a lot and I'm not going to miss out on memories. Anyways, I had some nachos.
I'm not gonna lie, I haven't worked out as much as I did in January and my eating has been so so. But, I swear I look thinner this month? WTF. Maybe I was right. Maybe stressing over it was stopping any change. Now that I calmed down it's helping? I don't know. Still gonna do boot camp again in March :P
1:00 p.m: Cheddar rice cake
1:45 p.m: yum! Made soup. Veggie broth, butter, leek, mushroom, sweet potato, onion, spinach, S&P.Roasted brussels sprouts with olive oil and some veggie all spice thing.
3:30 p.m: 2 pieces of toast with almond butter, banana, cinnamon
9:00 p.m: Went out with friends. I shouldn't have, but I did. I don't see these one's a lot and I'm not going to miss out on memories. Anyways, I had some nachos.
I'm not gonna lie, I haven't worked out as much as I did in January and my eating has been so so. But, I swear I look thinner this month? WTF. Maybe I was right. Maybe stressing over it was stopping any change. Now that I calmed down it's helping? I don't know. Still gonna do boot camp again in March :P
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Exercise (11:00 a.m): 30 min treadmill run
12:00 p.m: 2 hard boiled eggs, fried spinach and broccoli in coconut oil. Hemp hearts all over it.
7:30 p.m: sushi with friend. Yogurtys. Chocolate..
I win!
12:00 p.m: 2 hard boiled eggs, fried spinach and broccoli in coconut oil. Hemp hearts all over it.
7:30 p.m: sushi with friend. Yogurtys. Chocolate..
I win!
Friday, February 15, 2013
I'm alive, I swear.
I've been lazy/busy to update. I can tell you have I haven't exercised and i've eaten ummm "meh". Somewhat healthy, somewhat not.
I also did a food sensitivity test. I'll write a separate post on that one.
9:30 a.m: A brownie thing. Baby carrots.
12:45 p.m: A frittata and salad.
2:30 p.m: A homemade sugar cookie. Failing. Big time.
I was at work for the rest of the day. Had chips, cheese and popcorn. No dinner really.
I've been lazy/busy to update. I can tell you have I haven't exercised and i've eaten ummm "meh". Somewhat healthy, somewhat not.
I also did a food sensitivity test. I'll write a separate post on that one.
9:30 a.m: A brownie thing. Baby carrots.
12:45 p.m: A frittata and salad.
2:30 p.m: A homemade sugar cookie. Failing. Big time.
I was at work for the rest of the day. Had chips, cheese and popcorn. No dinner really.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
I feel stressy right now. I don't like it. I don't think I've ever had a day where I had an appointment where I felt comfortable leaving work. There are days where I'll do like one thing a day and have nowhere to be. Today, I have somewhere to be, lots to do. Ugh.
9:00 a.m: Breakfast burrito with some salsa. Eggs and veggies in there.
1:00 p.m: Leftovers again with some Greek yogurt this time.
9:00 a.m: Breakfast burrito with some salsa. Eggs and veggies in there.
1:00 p.m: Leftovers again with some Greek yogurt this time.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
I had weird dreams last night. Dreams with people in it I should not be dreaming about cause I never see or think about. What the hell does that mean? Well, this. I find when I have dreams with specific people in it it means I either thought about them or saw them that day. It also means that i'll likely see them later the following day. That part scares me cause it's a little psychic Anyways, so in my dream I had a Ryan Gosling sighting. I woke up all sad it was just a dream and then they started talking about Ryan Gosling on TV. Wtf. The other guy that was in my dream (btw the dream made no sense so I won't even explain) was this guy I kinda sorta know. I've only spoken to him a handful of times but I always thought he was cute. Does this mean I'm gonna run into him too?? ;) I hope so! He's some nice eye candy with a touch of awkward personality. My fave.
.... and that's enough of my that pointless post.
7:45 a.m: 2 hard boiled eggs with hemp hearts.
Oh wait! There was some nutritionist lady on TV this morning and she was stressing about how important food sensitivity tests are. How certain healthy foods you could be eating are making you fat. WTF. Need to do this test pronto.
12:00 p.m: Made dinner last night for lunch today... and possibly again for dinner. In a pan --> Coconut oil, canned tomato, okra, mushroom, onion, sweet potato, S&P.
5:00 p.m: handful of miss Vickie's chips.
7:00 p.m: protein shake. Coconut dream milk, protein powder, fibre powder, cinnamon, cocoa powder, almond butter, banana. Goooooood.
.... and that's enough of my that pointless post.
7:45 a.m: 2 hard boiled eggs with hemp hearts.
Oh wait! There was some nutritionist lady on TV this morning and she was stressing about how important food sensitivity tests are. How certain healthy foods you could be eating are making you fat. WTF. Need to do this test pronto.
12:00 p.m: Made dinner last night for lunch today... and possibly again for dinner. In a pan --> Coconut oil, canned tomato, okra, mushroom, onion, sweet potato, S&P.
5:00 p.m: handful of miss Vickie's chips.
7:00 p.m: protein shake. Coconut dream milk, protein powder, fibre powder, cinnamon, cocoa powder, almond butter, banana. Goooooood.
Monday, February 11, 2013
Monday again.
10:30 a.m: Snacking on baby carrots.
12:30 p.m: Salad. Spring mix greens, feta cheese, blueberries, strawberries, balsamic dressing.
3:30 p.m: This protein bar.
5:00 p.m: A few almonds and cashews
8:00 p.m: I went out for sushi with friends. It was delicious. I thought about how I would regret it then said F it. I don't want to miss out on social situations and seeing my friends cause I'm a snob about food. If I did this every single day, it'd be a different story. Whatever, it was good.
10:30 a.m: Snacking on baby carrots.
12:30 p.m: Salad. Spring mix greens, feta cheese, blueberries, strawberries, balsamic dressing.
3:30 p.m: This protein bar.
5:00 p.m: A few almonds and cashews
8:00 p.m: I went out for sushi with friends. It was delicious. I thought about how I would regret it then said F it. I don't want to miss out on social situations and seeing my friends cause I'm a snob about food. If I did this every single day, it'd be a different story. Whatever, it was good.
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Slept over at my parents. As I do every weekend now cause of Sunday boxing. I don't feel like I'm enjoying my weekends anymore. I toss and turn all night which is very rare for me. It's time I take transit to boxing, even though it's far. Being the driver sucks.
9:00 a.m: Banana, tea, toasted pita with these spices. Not sure how to explain. It's Lebanese. Ill post a pic.
Exercise (11:00 am): I lost track of time. I think boxing was like 2 hrs. All I know is I was drenched in sweat and my knuckles were red.
3:00 p.m: protein drink
4:30 p.m: homemade tabbouleh with pita bread. Bit of yogurt. Biscotti. I'm outta this temptation filled home!
7:00 p.m: 2 rice cakes with almond butter
9:00 p.m: Stove top popcorn, some salt
I've also officially started a detox cleanse thing. 30 days of drinking this every night before bed. FUN!
9:00 a.m: Banana, tea, toasted pita with these spices. Not sure how to explain. It's Lebanese. Ill post a pic.
Exercise (11:00 am): I lost track of time. I think boxing was like 2 hrs. All I know is I was drenched in sweat and my knuckles were red.
3:00 p.m: protein drink
4:30 p.m: homemade tabbouleh with pita bread. Bit of yogurt. Biscotti. I'm outta this temptation filled home!
7:00 p.m: 2 rice cakes with almond butter
9:00 p.m: Stove top popcorn, some salt
I've also officially started a detox cleanse thing. 30 days of drinking this every night before bed. FUN!
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Exercise (10:45 a.m): 1 hr at gym. Weights and cardio.
12:00 p.m: power shake. Coconut milk, protein powder, hemp hearts, fibre powder, cinnamon, cocoa powder, banana.
3:00 p.m: A wheat berry and egg salad from the grocery store.
5:00 p.m: artichoke, butternut squash and curry soup, chocolate almond biscotti
Exercise (8:00 p.m): parents house. Treadmill again and various floor body weight exercises.
9:30 p.m: sandwich. Flax bread, avocado, tomato, cheese. Another biscotti.
12:00 p.m: power shake. Coconut milk, protein powder, hemp hearts, fibre powder, cinnamon, cocoa powder, banana.
3:00 p.m: A wheat berry and egg salad from the grocery store.
5:00 p.m: artichoke, butternut squash and curry soup, chocolate almond biscotti
Exercise (8:00 p.m): parents house. Treadmill again and various floor body weight exercises.
9:30 p.m: sandwich. Flax bread, avocado, tomato, cheese. Another biscotti.
Friday, February 8, 2013
While all the kids are having a snow day, us adult suckers with jobs still have to work. Booooo. Hopefully we can sneak out a bit early but knowing how life works, the day will be busy with work and we'll leave at like 5:30. Did I jinx it? Yes.
7:15 a.m: 2 rice cakes with almond butter, banana, cinnamon. Didn't want to repeat the same breakfast as yesterday but I was in a rush and the banana was going brown. I'm going to try and change it up more though.
12:15 p.m: Leftover bean thing from yesterday but added some sweet potato and cauliflower too. All leftovers.
3:15 p.m: Apple with cinnamon
I don't feel like updating. I went to a fancy restaurant with a $200 gift card and one other person. Amazing.
7:15 a.m: 2 rice cakes with almond butter, banana, cinnamon. Didn't want to repeat the same breakfast as yesterday but I was in a rush and the banana was going brown. I'm going to try and change it up more though.
12:15 p.m: Leftover bean thing from yesterday but added some sweet potato and cauliflower too. All leftovers.
3:15 p.m: Apple with cinnamon
I don't feel like updating. I went to a fancy restaurant with a $200 gift card and one other person. Amazing.
Thursday, February 7, 2013
So, this blog has come in handy.
I had a friend of a friend who knows her shit on nutrition do a bit of an assessment on me. She's probably gonna read this and if so, hey! :) Well, here are my findings and action items.
TMI alert but I dont care. This blog is for me, not you.
Major learnings
- My hormones are whack. Always been that way. I need to regulate that. Time to take pills.
- Best thing to read: I work out too much. Hah! I work out too much and eat fairly healthy and still not losing weight. Why world, why!?! Anyways, that doesn't mean I'm going to stop exercising but I think I need to cool it just a little bit. January hardcore proved nothing.
- Taking a food sensitivity test. I eat a lot of the same foods regularly and there could be things in there that just aren't good for me and I have no idea. Healthy things.
- Eat a bigger breakfast. This I knew but as with everyone, there's no time and I don't make it. So, when I can, I'm going to try and eat more at breakfast instead of the usual tiny little thing so I don't pass out on the subway.
- Using coconut oil in cooking is as good as I thought. I know I'm doing that right! I don't think i'll ever buy any other oil again. Coconuts are the best.
- Buy hemp hearts. New source of protein and from the research I'm doing, seem like a good thing to have. It keeps saying how it reduces cravings for sugar. Boy do I need that!
- Take up yoga. It's time. I always avoided it cause I didn't feel it was for me and it was just a bunch of hippies or hipsters. Well, surprise surprise, yoga is good for you physically and mentally. A good point was brought in my assessment. I generally think I'm not someone who is overly stressed. But, I probably am. A large part of my thoughts are about exercise and what to eat, it consumes my life actually. When I' not getting the results I want, I take it hard on myself, which in turn is probably stressing me out. When I have my bad food days or cheats, I feel like shit for like the whole day after. ONE friggin cheat and I'll remember it. That's gotta be stressing me out more than I know.
Anyways, this is the gist of it, I think.
Next step: Go to the hippie health store at lunch.
I had a friend of a friend who knows her shit on nutrition do a bit of an assessment on me. She's probably gonna read this and if so, hey! :) Well, here are my findings and action items.
TMI alert but I dont care. This blog is for me, not you.
Major learnings
- My hormones are whack. Always been that way. I need to regulate that. Time to take pills.
- Best thing to read: I work out too much. Hah! I work out too much and eat fairly healthy and still not losing weight. Why world, why!?! Anyways, that doesn't mean I'm going to stop exercising but I think I need to cool it just a little bit. January hardcore proved nothing.
- Taking a food sensitivity test. I eat a lot of the same foods regularly and there could be things in there that just aren't good for me and I have no idea. Healthy things.
- Eat a bigger breakfast. This I knew but as with everyone, there's no time and I don't make it. So, when I can, I'm going to try and eat more at breakfast instead of the usual tiny little thing so I don't pass out on the subway.
- Using coconut oil in cooking is as good as I thought. I know I'm doing that right! I don't think i'll ever buy any other oil again. Coconuts are the best.
- Buy hemp hearts. New source of protein and from the research I'm doing, seem like a good thing to have. It keeps saying how it reduces cravings for sugar. Boy do I need that!
- Take up yoga. It's time. I always avoided it cause I didn't feel it was for me and it was just a bunch of hippies or hipsters. Well, surprise surprise, yoga is good for you physically and mentally. A good point was brought in my assessment. I generally think I'm not someone who is overly stressed. But, I probably am. A large part of my thoughts are about exercise and what to eat, it consumes my life actually. When I' not getting the results I want, I take it hard on myself, which in turn is probably stressing me out. When I have my bad food days or cheats, I feel like shit for like the whole day after. ONE friggin cheat and I'll remember it. That's gotta be stressing me out more than I know.
Anyways, this is the gist of it, I think.
Next step: Go to the hippie health store at lunch.
7:40 a.m: 2 rice cakes with almond butter, sliced banana and cinnamon. So good.
Planning on playing squash tonight. Finally get some exercise. Hopefully my friends don't bail but whatever, if they do, i'll definitely hit up the gym regardless. I gave myself three days off of working out properly... it's time to come back, even if it's just a little bit.
10:45 a.m: One timbit. The good kind. The one that's worth it.
12:15 p.m: Leftovers from dinner. Beans, 1/2 avocado, yogurt. Good.
2:30 p.m: 1 slice of an apple. Someone is trying to get me off my yellow apples.
3:30 p.m: A vega chocolate smoothie mixed with water.
Exercise (6:45 p.m): No squash. snowed in. I did a 30 min treadmill run. Not even tiring anymore. Nice! I hate that my building gym is always full now. Mind you it's the "regulars" and not bandwagon jumpers but still. It's annoying. I wish there was a camera in there I could spy with so I know when no one is in there. I like working out alone, so what?
8:00 p.m: 2 hard boiled eggs with hemp hearts sprinkled over, boiled cauliflower and sweet potato, wilted spinach in some coconut oil. Ummm loving the hemp hearts. Complete protein! yeah!
Planning on playing squash tonight. Finally get some exercise. Hopefully my friends don't bail but whatever, if they do, i'll definitely hit up the gym regardless. I gave myself three days off of working out properly... it's time to come back, even if it's just a little bit.
10:45 a.m: One timbit. The good kind. The one that's worth it.
12:15 p.m: Leftovers from dinner. Beans, 1/2 avocado, yogurt. Good.
2:30 p.m: 1 slice of an apple. Someone is trying to get me off my yellow apples.
3:30 p.m: A vega chocolate smoothie mixed with water.
Exercise (6:45 p.m): No squash. snowed in. I did a 30 min treadmill run. Not even tiring anymore. Nice! I hate that my building gym is always full now. Mind you it's the "regulars" and not bandwagon jumpers but still. It's annoying. I wish there was a camera in there I could spy with so I know when no one is in there. I like working out alone, so what?
8:00 p.m: 2 hard boiled eggs with hemp hearts sprinkled over, boiled cauliflower and sweet potato, wilted spinach in some coconut oil. Ummm loving the hemp hearts. Complete protein! yeah!
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
8:00 a.m: Banana
12:00 p.m: Leftover veggie curry from Monday. No yogurt this time, but added some sweet potato.
Still hungry. :(
3:00 p.m: 2 digestive cookies
6:30 p.m: 3 date balls. Dinner. Fried black beans, broccoli, Kale, spinach, onion and zucchini in coconut oil. 1/2 an avocado and Greek yogurt.
Exercise (8:00 p.m): 30 push ups, 100 sit ups, 1 min plank, 1 min wall sit, 30 squats, 30 push ups. It's something?
9:00 p.m: stove top popcorn
12:00 p.m: Leftover veggie curry from Monday. No yogurt this time, but added some sweet potato.
Still hungry. :(
3:00 p.m: 2 digestive cookies
6:30 p.m: 3 date balls. Dinner. Fried black beans, broccoli, Kale, spinach, onion and zucchini in coconut oil. 1/2 an avocado and Greek yogurt.
Exercise (8:00 p.m): 30 push ups, 100 sit ups, 1 min plank, 1 min wall sit, 30 squats, 30 push ups. It's something?
9:00 p.m: stove top popcorn
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
7:30 a.m: Protein drink
12:00 p.m: Leftover curry from last night. Some fries a co-worker had. They tasted like McDonalds fries, but weren't. Glorious.
3:00 p.m: Apple with almond butter. It was the end of the jar, meaning it wasn't all creamy. Choking at work but whatever, I'm eating it.
7:30 p.m: fried kale, spinach, broccoli, onion and zucchini in coconut oil. Boiled some sweet potato. Few date balls. Addictive.
I'm not working out. Protesting. I worked out on average 5 days a week in January and saw no difference. Why do I even care? F it. I'm not gonna hate myself cause of it. I'll make it up somehow.
Yoga? Trying new things. I just did a 20 min yoga thing off an app. It was relaxing, I suppose. Definitely feel stretched.
12:00 p.m: Leftover curry from last night. Some fries a co-worker had. They tasted like McDonalds fries, but weren't. Glorious.
3:00 p.m: Apple with almond butter. It was the end of the jar, meaning it wasn't all creamy. Choking at work but whatever, I'm eating it.
7:30 p.m: fried kale, spinach, broccoli, onion and zucchini in coconut oil. Boiled some sweet potato. Few date balls. Addictive.
I'm not working out. Protesting. I worked out on average 5 days a week in January and saw no difference. Why do I even care? F it. I'm not gonna hate myself cause of it. I'll make it up somehow.
Yoga? Trying new things. I just did a 20 min yoga thing off an app. It was relaxing, I suppose. Definitely feel stretched.
Monday, February 4, 2013
No boot camp in February. It's official. I can't pay what it costs every month, it's too much. I spent a lot of money in January so I gotta cool it. Probably do it in March. Soooo let's see how working out will go now that I'm on my own again.
7:30 a.m: 1 rice cake with almond butter, tried to scarf down lemon water. I've been told my numerous people this is a good thing to do first thing. I hate it but I do it.
12:30 p.m: Ravi soups on a cold day. I'm warm now but i'll be freezing again in 10 minutes. Stupid office. Anyways, I had butternut squash soup and a veggie wrap. I'll be full for a while.
3:00 p.m: Banana
I have decided not to stress over my 'bad' foods. That doesn't mean I'm going to go fatty and eat whatever the hell I want. But, when I do occasionally have something not so perfect, F it.
Went grocery shopping in hopes of making this eggplant curry thing but I realised Monday's suck at grocery stores. There was nothing there. I think the magic day is Tuesday.
8:00 p.m: YUM! Finally tried something new. Getting home at a reasonable hour again is nice. I miss it. Anyways, the following all went in a pan from start to end. Coconut oil, onion, mushroom, canned tomato, coconut milk, spinach, boiled cauliflower, S&P, curry powder. I put plain Greek yogurt over it in the end. Loved it!!
I made date balls. So F-ing good. I could eat it all but must not. Saving some for my snack tomorrow at work.
7:30 a.m: 1 rice cake with almond butter, tried to scarf down lemon water. I've been told my numerous people this is a good thing to do first thing. I hate it but I do it.
12:30 p.m: Ravi soups on a cold day. I'm warm now but i'll be freezing again in 10 minutes. Stupid office. Anyways, I had butternut squash soup and a veggie wrap. I'll be full for a while.
3:00 p.m: Banana
I have decided not to stress over my 'bad' foods. That doesn't mean I'm going to go fatty and eat whatever the hell I want. But, when I do occasionally have something not so perfect, F it.
Went grocery shopping in hopes of making this eggplant curry thing but I realised Monday's suck at grocery stores. There was nothing there. I think the magic day is Tuesday.
8:00 p.m: YUM! Finally tried something new. Getting home at a reasonable hour again is nice. I miss it. Anyways, the following all went in a pan from start to end. Coconut oil, onion, mushroom, canned tomato, coconut milk, spinach, boiled cauliflower, S&P, curry powder. I put plain Greek yogurt over it in the end. Loved it!!
I made date balls. So F-ing good. I could eat it all but must not. Saving some for my snack tomorrow at work.
Sunday, February 3, 2013
9:00 a.m: apple and almond butter, banana bread
Exercise (11:00 a.m): 2 hrs of boxing and related exercises. Good.
2:00 p.m: protein drink
3:30 p.m: a frozen pasta dinner. Yup. It happened.
5:30 p.m: 3 slices of frozen pizza. What a day!
9:00 p.m: A small protein shake. I couldn't finish cause it didn't turn out that great. Coconut milk, vanilla protein powder, cinnamon, fibre powder, cocoa powder, ice.
Exercise (11:00 a.m): 2 hrs of boxing and related exercises. Good.
2:00 p.m: protein drink
3:30 p.m: a frozen pasta dinner. Yup. It happened.
5:30 p.m: 3 slices of frozen pizza. What a day!
9:00 p.m: A small protein shake. I couldn't finish cause it didn't turn out that great. Coconut milk, vanilla protein powder, cinnamon, fibre powder, cocoa powder, ice.
Saturday, February 2, 2013
No plans. Yesssssss. No one call me.
12:00 p.m: 2 rice cakes with almond butter.
2:15 p.m: stir fry at my parents house. Banana. Baklava.
6:30 p.m: sandwich. 2 pieces of brown bread (ugh, carbs), 1/2 avocado, tomato, spinach, cheese (fail), all toasted.
Parents house. Biscotti, sugar free banana cake.
I can't come here anymore.
12:00 p.m: 2 rice cakes with almond butter.
2:15 p.m: stir fry at my parents house. Banana. Baklava.
6:30 p.m: sandwich. 2 pieces of brown bread (ugh, carbs), 1/2 avocado, tomato, spinach, cheese (fail), all toasted.
Parents house. Biscotti, sugar free banana cake.
I can't come here anymore.
Friday, February 1, 2013
8:00 a.m: Banana
9:30 a.m: Got to work and there were pancakes being made. This is what happens when co-workers get together and get drunk. Crazy ideas happen. In this case, they actually followed through the next morning. Worked for me. Stuffed my face with pancakes. Off to a great start.
12:15 pm: Downward spiral day. Sushi. 6 avocado rolls and 6 sweet potato rolls. Miso soup.
3:00 p.m: Apple with almond, cashew butter.
8:00 p.m: Cauliflower roasted in oven with olive oil, tahini over it. 2 hard boiled eggs. Spinach fried with coconut oil. Did the trick.
10:15 p.m: Protein drink
9:30 a.m: Got to work and there were pancakes being made. This is what happens when co-workers get together and get drunk. Crazy ideas happen. In this case, they actually followed through the next morning. Worked for me. Stuffed my face with pancakes. Off to a great start.
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*Sigh* |
3:00 p.m: Apple with almond, cashew butter.
8:00 p.m: Cauliflower roasted in oven with olive oil, tahini over it. 2 hard boiled eggs. Spinach fried with coconut oil. Did the trick.
10:15 p.m: Protein drink
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