Thursday, December 8, 2011


Work Christmas party tonight. Woot.
First year being vegtarian attending a sit down meal where I can't decide what I want. This could suck. I'm gonna want the meat.

6:00 a.m: Banana, strawberry yogurt

Exercise (7 a.m.): 45 min boot camp. Last one til January! of cottage cheese

9:00 a.m: Little bit of cottage cheese

So, there is a chocolate chip cookie contest at work. Don't ask. I had like, two.

12:45 p.m: Lunch. Salad. Arugula, goat cheese, red pepper, tomato, green onion, balsamic dressing. I may have had another cookie as well.
Ok, so I ate all night. We went to the work Christmas party. Gooooood food. It was basically a 10 course meal where they keep feeding you stuff. Considering I don't eat meat, they fed me pretty well. But I can't tell you how badly I wanted the pulled pork BBQ sliders. Ugh. Or the potato skins. Damn. Oh well.

Food at Nyood is delicious and I recommend it. 

Side bar, and I won't get too into this, but I am leaving my current work for another. Although I am super excited, I am also super duper sad. This place is like my family and last night made me sadder. It was a really good time.

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