Tuesday, May 14, 2013


8:00 a.m: Protein bar. Sugar free, but good.

My knees really hurt today. :( Not happy about it. There's always those people in boot camp who need alternate exercises for any moves that put pressure on the knees. I don't want to be that person. This better just be a backlash of the 10k from Sunday and the leg exercises from boot camp last night. Cause let me tell ya, they hurt.

10:00 a.m: Pumpernickel bagel with fried egg, butter, caramelized onion and spinach. Damn good.

12:00 p.m: Sarma. Then last of the veggie curry on its own. Damn it tasted good. I noticed it tastes way better like a day or two after I've cooked it. I guess all the flavour gets soaked into the veggies over time. Noted. Make huge batches and just save it for future meals.

3:30 p.m: 2 rice cakes with 1/2 avocado spread over them. Simple and good.

5:30 p.m: sweet potato fries with chipotle sauce from A&W

Exercise (7:30 p.m): 1 hr boot camp

10:00 p.m: hungry girl. Another protein bar. Bad me. 1 rice cake with almond butter, cinnamon and honey. Small chopped tomato with olive oil, S&P, basil and feta cheese.

Made myself lunch for tomorrow. Good me.

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