Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Not off too a good start. I woke up with my chest pain. You know, the one where I think I'm going to have a heart attack. Not the first time. Relax, I've been to a doctor. Maybe it's stress. Who knows. I was late for work.

10:30 a.m: Oatmeal with flax seed, cinnamon, water and banana.

1:00 p.m: Went out for lunch to say goodbye to a co-worker... again. This is all we do now. Went to Alice Fazooli's. This blog is becoming an advertisement for restaurants. Anyways, I had a panini with mushroom, cheese, asparagus and probably a lot of butter. Ceaser salad with barely any dressing. Sandwich was pretty good. They put bacon in the salad, I removed. So don't you go calling me out on it! I didn't have it.
5:00 p.m: I had one of those Energy protein bars.

Exercise (5:30 p.m): 1 hour with trainer. I also caved and signed for another 3 months of it. Here we go!!!

8:30 p.m: This is what I call "Put every veggie in a pan". That's what I did. We've got onion, garlic, corn, carrots, peas, mushrooms, green beans and broccoli in olive oil. BAM! That should be all my servings for one day, no??